“Video will account for 80% of all internet traffic by 2019, up from 64% in 2014,” According to BBC business writer by Mark Smith.
This means the content that your fans and demographic consumes will most likely be video as a first choice, thus, it’s important for you to curate video into your content market strategy for your brand.
Smith exclaims, “In the era of BuzzFeed, YouTube, Facebook and Vine, video is clearly about entertainment for viewers with infamously short attention spans.”
Furthermore, you need to get your message across quickly. You are fighting for attention from other artists and distractions that this world has to offer.
“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at,” the great Gary Vyanerchuk once said.
Nevertheless, here are a few other tips I want to share with you about using video to create your brand. Though, one can come up with several different ways to optimize your video strategy, these are some examples that I think may help you:
The quality of your message will determine the depth of your brand equity. No matter what your message strives to create a reaction with your audience. Whether emotional or physical action, make your message a powerful one to whoever is watching.
- You can be efficient by using a video made for one platform and curate it into another. For example, each platform has different virility and attention spans. Let’s say you recorded your last interview at a radio station and posted it onto Youtube. You and your team, could then take shorter pieces of that video and create newer content for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Whatever you may try to accomplish, using existing content to create new content is a powerful digital tool that we have.
- Posting video frequently will be important. Since you will be fighting for attention in the digital market place, regular and consistent posting is imperative on social media. Today, everything is instantaneous and with so many distractions your fans will forget about you easily if you go dormant. You need to post on your social media everyday or every other day. Keep your audience and fans entertained.
- Document your journey. Coming up with, creating, and curating new content can be really difficult. However, another approach to content development is documenting your journey. For example, many artists do video blogs about their daily lives. This gives your fan and audience an access to growth as an artist. If you can’t come up with fresh content ideas, show them your world!