It has been an interesting two weeks. Not too long ago a client of mine got a court subpoena over music copyright. Around the same time, a co-write of mine finished up a case with somebody infringing his brand. In the music and entertainment business, this is prevalent. People will do ridiculous things to get attention and purposely want to destroy your career.
Be Always Prepared or At Least Alert
Everybody has to be prepared and alert for the vultures of the world. In this case, my client and co-write were totally unplanned. Nevertheless, it is my suggestion to find and have access to lawyers, legal professionals, and mentors readily. Even though you may not have a need for aa lawyer, establish relationships with such people, so if something like that happens you are ready.
Stay Wary and Don’t Underestimate
The worst thing you can do -in my opinion- is underestimating what somebody will try or is capable of doing. It’s like a parent finding out that their teen sneaks out the house at night (this is what some of my schoolmates use to do,) goes out clubbing regularly with a fake id, and isn’t the saint they thought them to be. The music business is no different. We are humans and this is the real world. Everybody has an agenda and is in competition for something. Looks can be deceiving. Don’t be afraid to question the integrity of your associates and peers. Not everybody will use their associations with good intentions!
Be Diligent
You have to stay diligent of your surroundings, who you let in, and the people are working with. Ultimately, nobody but you can make the decisions on who you confide your professional life with. Be stark and bold. If somebody is toxic to your progress, cut them off or at least keep in a place where they cannot hurt you. It will be hard -it could be somebody you care about- however don’t let someone destroy your dreams, profession, aspirations and etc.
I recently experienced something like this, where a member of a band destroyed an opportunity to work with a major because of his ego. I won’t elaborate or say any names (it’s not professional), however, because of this the dream of a lifetime was lost and afforded to everyone.
Do you see the problem of having the wrong person around you? This could be you.