The music business is a tossing salad of so many people doing different things. Nonetheless, if you’re networking frequently and connecting with the right people, it isn’t difficult to have your phone book filled with gatekeepers, executives, and highly successful people. One mistake I made, was believing every legitimate person I came across. I got starstruck by Grammy babies, pretty pop singers, big time executives, and etc. I learned that titles, accomplishments, and accolades are great, however, the quality of that person and what they do are most important.
Don’t Get Flustered by Big Shots
When I first started my journey as a person in the music industry, I use to dwell why somebody would tell me wonderful things about how they were going to help me, but when it was time to execute they were nowhere to be found.
One time had an A&R from Universal, rave about me to her team, and everybody at the event we were at. She called me “admirable” in front of everyone which made me smile within (to make a long story short, we had met at a previous event, had correspondence with each other where I offered to help her with anything she needed.) Nevertheless, despite her saying she’d get back with me when I left the venue, she never did. All my further correspondences went blank.
Though I see this as highly irresponsible and unprofessional, that experience really humbled me. It taught me there are many two faced people in the business. As someone who was 21 or 22 at the time, my naivety got the best of me. I learned not everybody has your interest at heart, even if they say or act so.
What Should You Learn From My Story
Be diligent! Anybody at any level has the ability to waste your time. Don’t get flustered when a big shot says they’ll look out for you, but then they don’t. Remember, nobody owes you anything, you’re responsible for your own success. On the contrary, you’ll need people to help you. That’s indisputable. If you network with lots of people, you’re going to come across people who will genuinely want to help you and will. Those are the people you need. Consider the rest weeds, pluck them from your garden immediate once they start to show their true colors.
Like I’ve said in previous articles, “Don’t waste time on time wasters.”