In music or any other industry to accomplish big things obstacles and setback will happen. Sometimes you have no control over circumstances -people will back stab you, natural disasters happen, companies go out of business, etc. What’s most important is for you to stay calm, think rationally and find solutions to your problems.
Here are three brief points I advise you to consider:
Perseverance. Life is a puzzle of obstacles. Everyone at this point has faced some adversity in their lives and that is an absolute. There are many times I have personally felt down or frustrated but I know can’t stop. Millions of people throughout time have quit their dreams and many ideas that could have been never were. Do you want to be that person?
Like the great writer Maya Angelou said, “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”
Embrace your setbacks and keep on pushing. Your destiny and its success is only dependent on yourself, how you manage your challenges and on the actions you take. Don’t ever quit.
Evaluation and adaptation. Every experience is adds to your learning. Whenever you have a set back look at the situation to see what you could have done better. Logic is the key to success in business and not emotions. Sometimes, a setback is a great thing because you can counter it with even a better approach or idea.
Get advice from others especially experts. Nobody knows everything. Sometimes getting second, third and fourth opinions can help in big ways. Maybe you did something entirely wrong, but getting a simple suggestions can help you get the results you want. Other times, people might be able to help by lending a hand themselves or putting with somebody knowledgeable who can.
Talk about your ideas, always get insight. Don’t be shy or close minded. Always ask for someone’s opinion.